Thursday, December 03, 2009

Imperfectly Perfect

Sometimes when words do not express your thoughts, what will you turn to?
when one does not say a word, merely just keeping quiet...what is the person thinking??
sometimes keeping quiet is a good time to keep ur mind to urself, thinking and seeing other point of views toward a matter, and sometimes you do see things more crystal clear..
i thought you werent like that...but somehow you proved me wrong...or maybe was i too sensitive to feel it in the first place..i was there alone...with strangers whom i do not know...and you left with there all alone with them...without even looking back at me to check if i was alright there...yes you did not...nevermind..its okay...
left alone with a bunch a strangers...this feeling, this scene wasnt awkward to me at all as i was so used to it in the past..that its starting to haunt me now...nevermind..its okay...
sometimes when i do not speak, there is a reason behind it...
sometimes when i throw my temper, there are reasons behind it...
i once heard PMS is created by the guys to be used on girls when they simply let go of their temper on them..hence the infamous PMS excuse...
unlike guys, girls' mind and thinking are far more complex...

there are few times that i found that by keeping quiet it will save us lots of time from argueing with each other..
coz from the moment you give me no response to a matter...i know no matter how people hurt me, in the end you will either give me no response again, or worse still, it will end up even uglier with us fighting...and then it will be me who's the one who's bad tempered...yes i admit i am not a person with good temper and patience...nevermind..its my fault...

hurting one without doing it...sounds impossible no?? from the moment you raised your voice at me..almost shouting...there is no turning back...and it will be another mark in our history...and one day one of us might regret doing it when looking back...but who can turn back the time? not even god...whats done its done...

sometimes i feel sorry for the words that came out from my mouth without putting much thoughts and consideration to it...and no matter how much i regretted it i can never take them does other people...if you think people's making a scene or drama on what you had said...its only so because you are the one who allow all that to happen to you by saying something stupid in the begining...

keeping quiet does keeps one away from lots of dramatic scenes..but often when one keeps quiet for too long..somehow or another some people will take advantage of that and bully you...but when you try to speak up for ur own rights and thoughts..people whom you thought will be on your side, instead, just keep quiet, or actually thinks that its no big deal, in fact that you're just making a scene, or seeking attention from others..

is there any justice?? is it worth seeking justice as prejudice will rule in the end??

this post is dedicated to you, my imperfectly perfect know that term??=)
good night and good morning fellow earth people...=)
have a great night sleep, or have a fab day ahead of you..=)
with love...

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