Thursday, December 03, 2009

Pain that Breathes

i wont say that i'd missed you simply coz u werent and arent around...
since when have i got so dependent of you?
this is what people call LOVE
but its a weakness to me...
keeping myself strong is what i do most of the time..
keeping my poise,
as fearful to some,
as proud to some,
as silly to some,
as stubborn to some...
there are just many pictures to who i really am beneath the poise that i keep holding onto so strongly...
but afterall..i'm just another imperfect human in the world..
one who makes mistakes over and over again...
one who believes that let pain breathe through them so to make them stronger...
is it stronger? or is it an immune to the pain?
how i wished i could sleep longer, wake up later...
so that time will pass easily...
no it did not happened...
waiting for some text message alert on my cell...
its like waiting for rain to fall upon the desert...
so rare...and so hard to wait for...
which accidentally remind myself of the same I, same time last year...
my strong poise is falling apart now..
i'm so tearful now..
tears fall easily just like a blink of an eye...
stress load i may have been put on lately??
stubborn-ness in me thats obstructing myself from moving forward??
problems with no solutions to it??
is it wrong to think about the past?
its not like its worth any rememberance to it...
but just another theme to my mega-huge sonata....or should i said an interlude??
the past, the present, the future...
when you realise that that used-to-be-special-someone is just another pitstop in your long journey...
it makes u let go even easily...
knowing that the pitstop is just one of the many that you will stopby in ur journey,
makes it no longer in any significance to you...
pain that breathes,
are more powerful than pain that pierce ur thru or cut u up in to many many pieces...
it is for that they live in you...
unlike the latter which would heal eventually with time, eventhough they give you scars...
pain that breathes...

your's trully,
Clarrise HueyHsiang.

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