my beef special with less sauce and less vege..
somebody trying to copy bi's style..but too bad!!!!!try harder next time aite!!!hahahaha
super dirty pool in my yucky..can u see in the rectangular shape of greenish patch in the middle of the pool??i suspect it is a layer of green moss!!!gross!!!!
today during choir sectionals..
lala taught me how to knit...
she constantly keep an eye on me coz i tend to do wrongly all the time..ahahha
boring sectionals...
after class, we all went to pasar malam..its been so long since i been to pasar malam..this time went there coz i needed to find shorts and pencil case coz mine already have one big hole...only managed to get my shorts nia...
snow ice @ 100yen shop...strawberry is my new love...
my dinner...5 pieces of "wor-dip" (cantonese fried dumplings)-->my fav!!!and also yam bubble milk tea...
before going home, we dropped by at yunshi's house coz lala thought of buying toy we went to ask some questions and the time i reached home also past 11pm..1st time go out for the whole day til so late at nite...
after shower, i tried on my new dress with my shorts and leggings..lala took pics...
act cute...but fail miserably...
same pose..i'm not poser ok..
man what was i thinking when i'm supposed to pose sexy...god!!!
ok..still fail miserably..
me likey this pic!!!blurry...
pau faced..hahaha