so i were standing road side waiting for cab while bi went to a mamak to respond to his nature's call...suddenly i saw a cab coming and asked rui to go talk to the cab driver..mana tahu she cant communicate with him so i took over lo...then half way talking to the cab driver..he kept pointing at something on me..but i didnt think too much as i was busy telling him where i want to go while holding my stuff..suddenly i felt something on my i swept it away with my hand, thinking that it was my hair...suddenly one huge cockroach fell on my shirt!!!i shouted and jumped to sweep the stupid roach away..then continued talking to the cab driver..he was really nice to tell me there was a huge cockroach on me but i didnt understand him at 1st...he was one of the nicest cab driver i ever met..only 2-3 to date...reached back condo around 10pm..called my parents and they were already on their i did some unpacking and packing, waited for rui and ling to shower then we went out to mamak for parents joined us there..then they brought me home...
the next day i went down to melacca with my way of escaping coz my dad wanted me to go back to visit my as a good daughter i obbeyed him..lolz...i offered to drive back to was my 1st time driving so mom said my driving skills not bad coz she never dizzy and still can read papers on the car while i was anyhow reached melacca late morning..brought my bro and we had some dimsum for breakfast..then went to grandma house lo..just hanged out there and my uncle tapao lunch for us..then we went out to visit some old relative..then went shopping lo...
funny my mom said nothing bout what i wore that day..normally she woul have already made noise if i wear like that to some where far...
new hair.i likey alot!!!hahaha
after dinner we came back to shah alam lo..i drove again...the traffic was quite heavy as there were lots of busses...what i'm bout to say here make me hate bus and bus drivers even more...i was like driving on the limit..but then i was tired so i cut to the slow lane and drive on limit still, which was like 110km/h...then this bus aaa..came from behind...flashed me nonstop asked me to let him pass..i was like damn ridiculus lo this bus..i'm already driving on the slowest lane, but still on the limit and he asked me to 'siam' away for him to man..if wanna cut me then cut rite la since there was no car also...then my dad like damn furious asked me to drive slower and keep to my own lane...he like wanna go hentam that stupid bus i slowed down..and finally he cut me from the rite...then i needed to turned into the junction..he again like wanna challenge me..imagine..i bus 'tiong' a wonder so many bus accidents happen la...u see la their attitude..even installing the black box doesnt even help much la...they just ignored dad got so furious with that bus he wanted to take down his number plate and made complain...anyhow..managed to reach home safely la..hahahhaa..what a journey..lolz
bought from ipoh...reminds me of my childhood days.
look like breast...lolz..or at least to cover ur nipples..lolz..
yum yum..but it like kena wind and not really fresh already...not crunchy...
roses i bought for myself..i bought two of two dozens of roses, and some carnations...white roses i kept for myself, champagne i gave to bi's mom, and carnations for my mom...surprisingly, only my roses and carnations lasted for so long...the ones i gave to bi's mom, didnt even lasted for 3 days...she ended threw more than half of it paiseh man...aih...
i heart white roses...i symbolizes purity in love...
college reopened the following..sad that i only had a two-weeks break...aih...anyhow monday was 1st day choir class ended early so me and rui went for dinner somewhere further for a change...
ate 100 yen's snow ice..hehe
bought fake lashes..ahahhaa...but dunno how to use..dunno whether its good to use anot...
for this sem i have no class on last tuesday bi came to find me...and brought me out to watched Iron Man..boy it was good...unexpectedly good lo the story line..hahaha..after movies went to kenny rogers for dinner..
with bi..
last weekend was mother's day, but i didnt went home coz wanted to go bi's house for the weekend...hahah..anyways the contacts that i ordered finally reached to me
cost me rm225 here..but rather cheap lo
1st time wearing colour contacts..
i like this any difference??but in real life would be more obvious than appeared in this pic
getting ready to go out to mont kiara..
40th anniversary of Sunrise at Solaris Mont Kiara...there got a few new Soho KL but not open promised to bring me there...cant wait..hahaha
super love the condos at mont kiara..all so exclusive and classy and modern and nice..totally in love with that area..but too bad its very very pricey lo...hopefully i can stay there next time...there was a street party there..buffet dinner was served with lots of varieties of food like pop corn, cotton candies, lots la..but me and bi didnt want to que so we went to the cold storage there and bought some japanese ice cream to eat...later met up with bi's mom and sis and we all went to some japanese restaurant to take dinner...
its another week again...2nd week of class..god time really flies..aih.yesterday bi came to find me again...this time we went down to time square coz i want to go nichii coz lala said not got sale and some dresses are on half price..but unfortunately all those dun have my size..however i still got myself a black dress for a wedding dinner which i had to attend end of the year, and a black shawl...i also eyed on a white pointy pumps...but i didnt buy it coz i still got at 2-3 pairs of heels which i never wear before....but i seriously like that white pointy pumps that i saw yesterday...aih...hueyhsiand shall keep to her promise by not spending on clothes and shoes anymore this month onwards and it shall last for at least a few months...fingers crossed and hope i can stick to it..hahaha
went to Gasoline for dinner.wanted to try there very long time..but the food was ok ok only la...
with vic's flash...
today in choir sectionals...lala draw de..very nice i like it...damn pro those stick on de..haha
going to go get a temporary one soon i hope..hahaha
on ling's leg...damn nice also lo....
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