Friday, January 16, 2009


have u ever wondered what kinda person u really are??as in deep down inside of u.despite what kinda personality u try to portray...what kinda person u are???

i'm not here to judge..but merely expressing myself...
i just happened to stumble upon a blog...and read thru some of the author's post...and guess what....SWITCH ON THAT BITCH MOOD IN YOU!!!!!

rite now..this moment...if anyone would actually piss me off...i will be the bitchiest bitch u'll ever see in ur am kinda doing some imagination bout myself bringing out the bitchiness in me...bitching around...hell...i simply couldnt continue with the thoughts of being one...simply coz that's not the kinda person i am...when something seriously annoying happen...i'm the one who always got nth to say back...i just keep my mouth shut....not coz i'm too polite to compromise with all your nonsense...but coz i do not have the slightiest idea on how to fight back to actually make you feel the pain from the torns in my i not....i'm kinda harmless to anyone out there...

and speaking of harmless....i'm definately the most harmless living being u ever seen....even a handbag could hurt me...yes...i'm a very clumsy person....every week..there would be fresh wounds on me...and most would be blue-blacks on my knees....they just simply love to run into table edges or anything that u can think of...let me give u an example...just in this week...monday..i went out shopping...and the buckle on my handbag caused me to have wounds on both my and also scratches with blood trains...tuesday...went to setapak for my weekly external choir practise...hit my head on eddy's car's boot...i practically ran into it...on wednesday...did some heavy lifting during my short shopping trip to pyramid...ended up having my muscles pulled on my rite arm....and just yesterday...i strained the muscles of my the other hand when i was putting away some books to the seats behind in a car...and just now in the afternoon..went out for i was getting down from the car...the car window sorta "cut" my hand in a way...i dunno how to explain..but the end result is to show you that i'm so clumsy that i almost hurt myself every single day....and this week is already considered a better one seeing the fact that i dont have any more blue-blacks from hitting edges of the coffee table or the piano stool in my condo...or from some other place...

okay i know i kinda drifted from the main topic of my post today...
this post is gonna be some sorta ROJAK style post...i'll just type whatever that comes thru my mind...i love to be random....some times...randomness is fun!!!hahaha..i used to hate it so much that made me such an unhappy and moody person...people it for better or worse...and dont worry as what kinda person i am or i'll be some day to come...i'm not gonna be pointing fingers at anyone anymore...unlike YOU!!!!who kept pushing all the blames on to me for the pass 2 years or more...dont blame me for what u've become was your decision, your choice of who u wanna be...or what kinda person you wanna be...NOT ME!!!! and i'm not sorry for what had happened...not at all!!!!i might have wasted 3 years plus on you...but aint gonna waste any 3 years on you anymore...say all you want..whatever you want to people around you...i DONT CARE!!!! yes i was what??? have all the "face" and ego u ever wanted... coz the person who did something wrong isnt me...but YOU.

saying all the above doesnt prove that i'm a bitter person...but coz i've woke up from the dream that you put me was nothing but a dream...

its been a while since i've got those butterflies-in-the-stomach moments...ahhaha...

okay i think i just lost my mood for blabbing in my blog rite now...coz someone started the hurricane again and i'm the only victim...ONCE AGAIN.....

thank you for destroying my day...MOTHER.....

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