camwhoed during sectionals...with stephanie's fingers..lolz
then ay nite back at home..ling was just telling me to take care of the hamster as one of them is pregnant..lala went out with victor..and asked me to babysit Angel...we were playing with Angel..suddenly ling saw that the hamster already gave birth to 3 lil hamsters...
on the spinning wheel...1st time seeing baby hamsters..lolz
close up shot..
was studying in my room coz friday got i wont have the time to study on thursday and i didnt want to rush my room is my hiding place to me all these while..
this is the place that i played comp,did my homework, studied and stuff...hahaha
study til too played with my camera
medieval organum
delicious hp..lolz
thursday...not really as busy as usual coz i didnt had my piano lesson, and i didnt need to play for this week's CME it was rather relaxing and free this week..after my violin, rushed home to exchange books for my vocal class...supposedly to go clubbing..soofun's farewell...but bi twisted his rite feet the day by the time we were supposed to get ready and go, his leg hurt so much that i couldnt i bailed out last minute...then while yirui was getting ready he said his leg ok ad can walk...but i just dont have the mood to go anymore...anyhow we did went there...but was there for less than an hour...his feet hurt i wanted to leave that super crowded and smoked was like if i'd stayed there any longer...i'll be smoked hueyhsiang...Maison's just not my thing anymore...well it's nv my thing actually..i was sober all the way there..barely drank..i only gulped down 3 half-mouthful of with alcohol...and the two only coke...i hated how the alcohol taste like..guess i have phobia for alcohol ever since my last clubbing session which so happened to be at maison too...maybe just not with the rite ppl and rite place and rite crowd...but will be going for clubbing again soon coz of some events....and bi also promised to bring me go...hahaha
my last pic with soofun...
soofun, cyeu, and me..
went back home to rest and get cleaned up...hanged out abit and chit chat...went for McD breakfast at 4am..
i looked sick...
my 1st time eatting Mcd onion was way better than A&W's...coz the onions are chopped up so not difficulties eating it...
stuff that we ate..
thank u bi for coming to see me and bring me go clubbing even when ur lef hurts...and bring me for breakfast...i miss those times when we hanged out til early morning and we went for super early breakfast...
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