okok back to my blog..bi surprised me by attending my recital for the 1st time ever!!!..ahhaha..n before that i was actually mad at him...sorry la..too stressed ad..then when i talk to u..u like kisah tak kisah like that...make me flame like hell ad...somemore with exam stress and unwanted stress...sorry ok??hehehe..muakzs..so after my recital, went makan with bi..then he fetched me back to college for group study for the history midterm..but didnt actually study much together la..just clarified something with wuji..then most of the time me and yirui studyin together lo...so 6.30pm left college to go out with bi for dinner..i drove this time...dunno where he wanted to eat at first...so in the end we ended in A&W...hahaha...food was ok only la...nowadays i actually craving for something special to eat...but have no idea on what i want actually..so lets just go with the flow lo...me and rui shall explore the food around pj and kl area from now on..hahahha..
monday mr ian let us off an hour earlier...wasnt too happy at that time...me and rui went out makan then go shopping for awhile...didnt intended to shop anything..just hangkai to release stress...but in the end we both got ourselves each a pair of shoe...above is my collection of shoes that i have with me in cheras...3 pairs new added in two months time..i'm shoe freak now..lolz...and i've finally got myself a pointy heels and its in WHITE!!!...love it alot..hehehe..the last pair of black wedges on the back row, rite side..bought it during my trip to ipoh...half price..damn cheap...then the 1st 2 pairs on the front,left side...newest addition to my shoe collections..i realise quite dull la the colours of my shoes..next time maybe i should buy something more vibrant...something spells "CANDY"..lolz..
in library...going to die d lo...sien until cant focus..so play for awhile..
just in case ur wondering why got 2 pairs of shoes here with my..i wore the pumps for my recital..and as u know new shoes kinda hurt at 1st...so when rui and bi went to take their car up from the hill and reparked it near library..rui brought my sandals out for me...
notes and text book..this time i damn good girl lo..study like some kinda nerd..never been this rajin for so long that i cant even remember when i actually so rajin study...
so had my paper for history this morning...result was alrite la..quite happy with it as i've already given up on Bach...hahaha...seriously the notes and all on Bach is in a big big mess that i didnt even know what was i studying in the 1st place..what la french overture, what suites la..my goodness...and luckily Dr. jeff this time gave us full MCQ paper..lucky us..hahaha...so got 75% for history...i've just made history ok with that result...never got better results that this before..lolz..i've got a bad brain la..hahaha...after exam, had aural exam..i seriously sucked in rhythm more and more..my goodness...but it went quite ok la..after everything we went makan in Mcd...then went back home lo..watched 恶作剧之吻2 while waiting for bi to come cheras fetch me back to my home coz my parents all working and bro working..so transport back...so here i am back in my own house..god i miss my house...so clean...hahaha...i'm outta hell...lolz...
gonna end my blog with a clip of my recital performance...hope u guys like it..dont be so hard on me and my playing la..i'm no professional...
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